The Holiday of Sukkot
The holiday of Sukkot falls on the Jewish calendar at the beginning of the Jewish year.
This holiday is a holiday of unity. Unity among nations. In the Jewish temple of Jerusalem, seventy sacrificial animals were made as offerings for the benefit of all nations.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that the reason the United Nations General Assembly usually takes place during the holiday of Sukkot is because Sukkot symbolizes all nations coming together and united.
Every year on Sukkot, Rabbi Shmuel Butman, director of the Lubavitch Youth Organization of the Chabad community in New York, builds a traditional Sukkah hut in front of the UN for the benefit of all nations.
The Sukkah is at the service of the public throughout the Sukot holiday.
The Sukkah is located at 43rd Street and First Avenue, Next to the wall on it is written the verse of Ishaya: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more"